Sunday 19 April 2020

Are The Online English Learning Methods and Teachers Helpful, Useful and Good? How to Choose Good, Free and Online English Teacher

As you have been already hearing for a long time: We have been living in a global world especially since the internet was invented :) And globalisation has brought some new methods and ways into our lives in a lot of areas. Of course It has been inevitable that education and especially learning a new language has been affected from globalisation and internet.

Face to Face Learning or Online Learning ?

First of all, It is clear that there are some people who have powerful visual memory and are sociable, these kind of people learn every thing face to face more effectively. Of course these people prefer to go to the language course and see and listen to the English teacher closely. Yet, it shouldn't be forgotten that as our time lessen in our daily life because of our job, private life and maybe our children, we might not have an opportunity to go to the courses physically all the time. That is when online English learning comes true :)

Online English learning web sites or skype online English teachers provide you learning English in a very short time period in comparison with real time English teacher from the courses. Think about it. If you think about how much time you waste while you are going to course in the way or in the bus for example, you will understand what i want to mean. On the other hand most of the online teachers give you an option which you could choose lesson times. So whenever you are available a lesson you could call your online  teacher and get your lesson. Is not that awesome :)

One to One Lesson Advantage!

Even though there some crowded group lessons, most of the online English teachers provide you one on one English lessons. Therefore, instead of taking the lesson with a lot of other student whose levels are so different, owing to online English system you might get your special English lessons in accordance with your English level. Moreover, your online English teacher could notice and understand your English level while you are speaking to him and could correct your mistakes, change flow of the lesson to the way of your perception.

It is clear that repetition is very important in every kind of learning. In addition that you could record some online lessons, whenever you want or when you want to remember that topic, you could watch or listen again that lesson. And this will provide you a lot of repetition lessons. Do not remember this is an opportunity to improve your learning English skill and ability ;) Because repetition is very important in learning English.

It depends on you..

Yes it depends on you, because everyone has own characteristic ve tendency about learning a new language or anything else. Unfortunately there is not a scientific fact like that every teaching method can work for everyone. For example, some listening based teaching ways never work for a person who has a very powerful visual memory.

Just like that, online English teaching method could work very well for some students and do not for the others. Yet, it should not be forgotten that the world and the technology have been going towards online English teaching and learning ways and we have to adapt ourselves about these methods as time go on even though we like real classroom English :)

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See you next essay.

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