Sunday 12 April 2020

How to Learn English Grammar Easily and Effortlessly?

First of all please do not forget there is no easy way to learn English grammar or anything else easily and effortlessly! But good news is that there are a lot of "enjoyable" and "funny" ways to learn English grammar :)

If we had a magic and asked all English learners around the world what make you feel bad, bored and nervous about learning English i am sure almost all of them would say English Grammar! Aren't they right? Who could like all these technical grammar worksheets and papers?

It is not a boring lesson! It is a hobby and a joy!
If you don't like English grammar, probably it is related your English learning background not English grammar itself. I guess that you have always studied boring grammar books so far :)
First of all, if you want to improve your English easily ve effortlessly, you should change your point of view about grammar and learning way of it.
Secondly, My advice to you about learning grammar will be that you should see English Grammar as a way of communication to world and a opportuniy to meet new people and learn new cultures.

Do not focus on grammar itself! Focus on enjoyable content!
If you ask even a native English speaker what an adverb or adjective means, he or she will not be able to give you correct answer probably. But how can they use these adverbs or adjectives very well  even though they don’t know their meaning?
Answer is easy in fact, That’s because it is how languages work naturally. It shouldn't be forgotten that if you want to learn and use English grammar easily and effortlessly, you have to learn it in a natural and organic way :)
Instead of studying boring grammar books and rules, you should focus on enjoyable reading and listening materials. But what kind of boks do you need to read to improve English grammar? Of course it depends on what you like. For example most of the time dedective books(levelled books at first) and history books which tell about historic events like Titanic or World Wars are liked by English learners. (Of course they all depends on your hobbies or your field of insterest).
Reading these kind of books in an understandable levels and listening to podcasts (like my Learning English with Martin podcasts :)) will help you improve your English in a natural way without boredom.

Is zero grammar study possible ?
Unfortunately zero grammar study is impossible for now. So you have to know basic grammar structures to read starter level of English story books for example. I mean easy grammar rules. For example you must know simple tenses like simple past, present and perfect tenses without great details.
My tips could be that after learning basic and easy rules of English grammar p reading and listening whatever you like. Meanwhile as the time goes on step by step you will learn and absorb English grammar rules be sure and trust me ;)
You can also listen to our podcast about English Grammar topic in here.
See you in the next essay ;)

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