Friday 17 April 2020

How to improve your English Vocabulary? Learning new English words tips :)

Learning new English words is always a big problem for especially intermediate level students of English language. Because there is a big distance between intermediate learner of English vocabulary level and advanced English learner's vocabulary level. Obviously It is very important to have a comprehensive English vocabulary if you want to be an advanced English student.

Different methods works for different people

Once again, i will exemplify about my vocabulary problem from my past English learning journey. As i have mentioned many times before i have been learning English approximitly 10 years now and i am still a good English learning student.(Learning process should not be end. Never!) At first months in my English learning process i was making some researches about English vocabulary. Because i had realized that improving English vocabulary was very crucial for me if i wanted to be advanced English student. Especially memorizing new words seemed to me very very difficult, because i was forgetting new words after 2 or 3 motnhs always. There were loads of way of memorizing new words and none of them was working for me. Have you realized that i am using a wrong word for an improving process? I am sure that yes you have realized that i have been using the word "memorize" instead of "learning".

Not memorize, Learn it !

After may be 6 months or 1 year i realized that i had missed something important. My way of studying English vocabulary and new words were not false or bad, my point of view to vocabulary was false and bad and therefore i was not be able to "learn" new words!

Then, i decided to "learn" new English words instead of memorize, and this made for me a very big change. Trying to memorize new words was like a torture whereas learning process was fun and enjoyable. Memorizing has just 1 dimension however learning has different dimension and approaches.(Like understand soul of the word, picturize the word in your mind or create a story in your mind for the word)

After changing your point of view for English vocabulary, you have to decide what learning way you want use and will work for you.

For example i was keeping a excell word list and using a mobile phone application at the same time. When i was at work sometimes i was studying new words from my phone and application and in the evenings i was studying same words at home. This was good for me and my learning new English word process was very fast.

Use it in your daily life

If you don't want to forget your new learned English words easily, you should take it into your daily life. I do not know how you can do it because every person has a different way of studying or learning but i know that you must it :)

For instance i like writing new essays with using my new learned English words, it  helps me a lot keep new words in my mind always. If you like writing you could also use new words in your sentences. Or you could make a excell list or use a smart phone application for using new words in your daily life. Be sure, it will help you improve your vocabulary ;)

If you have any other advices for English vocabulary or you want to share your opinion please make a comment in below :)

See you next essay, bye for now.

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