Thursday 23 April 2020

Easy Simple Present Tense for beginners, starters and intermediate students.


In our English grammar lessons, firstly I am gonna tell you briefly the grammar structure with timeline, then usage of that tense and forms of related tense, after that we will show time expressions or frequency adverbs of the grammar tense. Finally i will give you some examples about grammar tense every lessons.

Today our grammar tense is a "simple" one :) We will talk about simple present tense. It is all about general ideas, scientific facts and habit.

Past                                 Present                           Future  


 The simple present tense expresses;

-  daily habits                   -->  Martin takes a shower every day.
-  usual activities                 -->  I usually eat lunch at home.
-  general statements of facts       -->   The earth revolves around the sun.
-  event or situations that exist always, usually or habitually.   


A) Positive Sentence

I-You-We-They   +   Work
He-She-It       +   Works

B) Negative Sentence

I-You-We-They  +  do  +  not  +  work.
He-She-It   +  does  +  not  +  work.

C) Question Sentence

Do  +  I-You-We-They  +  work ?
Does  +  He-She-It  +  work ?


Always            100  (Probability)






Never             0   (Probability)


Monday 20 April 2020

Overcome English Grammar Problem

First of all, i must say that English grammar should not be a nightmare for any English learning students! Please please try to like it, at least persuade yourself to like it :) Be sure that you will learn it in progress of time. Second of all, please do not forget that you will never understand something which you don't like. So liking English grammar is very crucial for you ;)

If you dont love and you are forcing yourself to just study it. You could suppose that you understand it but after a while you will realize that you did just memorize it. So first condition of learning grammar is all about love :) You have to love it if you want to learn it :)

Don't study it just from boring grammar books! 

The most common mistake that English learners have done is studying it from just grammar books. In fact the most useful method in learning English grammar is watching enjoyable and fun films or youte videos which you are interested in. This makes your learning journey easier and funnier.

As i have mentioned before, I have been learning English for about 10 years and the most important thing i have ever learnt in this process is that the best way of learning English grammar is the organic and natural way.

What are the natural and organic ways of learning English Grammar?

I can say briefly that the shortest and easiest way of learning English grammar is reading English stories and books. For example as a ten years English learning student i could say that i have learnt English grammar by  reading a lot of short stories and books in English. I have read Edgar Allan Poe's and Sherlock Holmes detective stories(of course levelled books like penguin books), historical books(specifically world wars books) and loads of easy/understandable books in accordance with my English level of course.

Whenever you find a leisure time you have to read English books which you are interested in and whose topics and subject you like. It could be art, maths, science-fiction or whatever it is not important.

To sum up there are 2 magical things in learning English grammar and overcome English grammar problem:

1- Before you start to study it, you have to prepare yourself mentally(like it and love it!)
2- You should read English books(of course lovedones) whenever you have opportunity.
If you have and advices or ideas about learning English grammar and overcome Englishg grammar problem, please make some comments and share with us below :)

See you in the next essay..


Sunday 19 April 2020

Are The Online English Learning Methods and Teachers Helpful, Useful and Good? How to Choose Good, Free and Online English Teacher

As you have been already hearing for a long time: We have been living in a global world especially since the internet was invented :) And globalisation has brought some new methods and ways into our lives in a lot of areas. Of course It has been inevitable that education and especially learning a new language has been affected from globalisation and internet.

Face to Face Learning or Online Learning ?

First of all, It is clear that there are some people who have powerful visual memory and are sociable, these kind of people learn every thing face to face more effectively. Of course these people prefer to go to the language course and see and listen to the English teacher closely. Yet, it shouldn't be forgotten that as our time lessen in our daily life because of our job, private life and maybe our children, we might not have an opportunity to go to the courses physically all the time. That is when online English learning comes true :)

Online English learning web sites or skype online English teachers provide you learning English in a very short time period in comparison with real time English teacher from the courses. Think about it. If you think about how much time you waste while you are going to course in the way or in the bus for example, you will understand what i want to mean. On the other hand most of the online teachers give you an option which you could choose lesson times. So whenever you are available a lesson you could call your online  teacher and get your lesson. Is not that awesome :)

One to One Lesson Advantage!

Even though there some crowded group lessons, most of the online English teachers provide you one on one English lessons. Therefore, instead of taking the lesson with a lot of other student whose levels are so different, owing to online English system you might get your special English lessons in accordance with your English level. Moreover, your online English teacher could notice and understand your English level while you are speaking to him and could correct your mistakes, change flow of the lesson to the way of your perception.

It is clear that repetition is very important in every kind of learning. In addition that you could record some online lessons, whenever you want or when you want to remember that topic, you could watch or listen again that lesson. And this will provide you a lot of repetition lessons. Do not remember this is an opportunity to improve your learning English skill and ability ;) Because repetition is very important in learning English.

It depends on you..

Yes it depends on you, because everyone has own characteristic ve tendency about learning a new language or anything else. Unfortunately there is not a scientific fact like that every teaching method can work for everyone. For example, some listening based teaching ways never work for a person who has a very powerful visual memory.

Just like that, online English teaching method could work very well for some students and do not for the others. Yet, it should not be forgotten that the world and the technology have been going towards online English teaching and learning ways and we have to adapt ourselves about these methods as time go on even though we like real classroom English :)

Please share your comments with me in below comment section ;)
See you next essay.

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Friday 17 April 2020

How to improve your English Vocabulary? Learning new English words tips :)

Learning new English words is always a big problem for especially intermediate level students of English language. Because there is a big distance between intermediate learner of English vocabulary level and advanced English learner's vocabulary level. Obviously It is very important to have a comprehensive English vocabulary if you want to be an advanced English student.

Different methods works for different people

Once again, i will exemplify about my vocabulary problem from my past English learning journey. As i have mentioned many times before i have been learning English approximitly 10 years now and i am still a good English learning student.(Learning process should not be end. Never!) At first months in my English learning process i was making some researches about English vocabulary. Because i had realized that improving English vocabulary was very crucial for me if i wanted to be advanced English student. Especially memorizing new words seemed to me very very difficult, because i was forgetting new words after 2 or 3 motnhs always. There were loads of way of memorizing new words and none of them was working for me. Have you realized that i am using a wrong word for an improving process? I am sure that yes you have realized that i have been using the word "memorize" instead of "learning".

Not memorize, Learn it !

After may be 6 months or 1 year i realized that i had missed something important. My way of studying English vocabulary and new words were not false or bad, my point of view to vocabulary was false and bad and therefore i was not be able to "learn" new words!

Then, i decided to "learn" new English words instead of memorize, and this made for me a very big change. Trying to memorize new words was like a torture whereas learning process was fun and enjoyable. Memorizing has just 1 dimension however learning has different dimension and approaches.(Like understand soul of the word, picturize the word in your mind or create a story in your mind for the word)

After changing your point of view for English vocabulary, you have to decide what learning way you want use and will work for you.

For example i was keeping a excell word list and using a mobile phone application at the same time. When i was at work sometimes i was studying new words from my phone and application and in the evenings i was studying same words at home. This was good for me and my learning new English word process was very fast.

Use it in your daily life

If you don't want to forget your new learned English words easily, you should take it into your daily life. I do not know how you can do it because every person has a different way of studying or learning but i know that you must it :)

For instance i like writing new essays with using my new learned English words, it  helps me a lot keep new words in my mind always. If you like writing you could also use new words in your sentences. Or you could make a excell list or use a smart phone application for using new words in your daily life. Be sure, it will help you improve your vocabulary ;)

If you have any other advices for English vocabulary or you want to share your opinion please make a comment in below :)

See you next essay, bye for now.

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Tuesday 14 April 2020

How to speak English faster? Improve English Speaking Tips

Probably you have been learning English for a long time(if you are here and if you are reading this also) and you know almost all the rules of English grammar and vocabulary. Apart from that reading English books and listening to English materials are also always enjoyable and fun for you. But when the time comes to speak in English.. 

For example when you are talking to a foreigner in English, you feel very nervous and complicated and words can't come out from your mouth easily. 

This makes you feel crazy and you can not make sense of it. Although you know almost everything about English you do't understand why you are not able to speak it. Firstly you should know that you are not alone! Most of the English learners feel same way generally when it comes to English speaking in real life.

Do not afraid of making mistakes!

You should know that anyone who doesn't want to make mistakes has to do nothing :) The thing makes you feel nervous about talking English while you are speaking English is absolutely fear of making mistakes. If you want to improve your English speaking ability, first of all you have to feel relaxed while talking English.

It is obvious that everyone makes mistakes and when you are speaking in English you will make mistakes also, because you are a learner! It is a logical fact! You must admit it!
Practice is a cure for everything..
Apart from fear of making mistakes, the second biggest problem of English learners about English speaking is lack of practice. As i have said in my Youtube Channel and other essays before, I have been learning English for about 10 years and the biggest problem that i have ever come across in this learning process has been lack of English speaking practice opportunity.
I guess that probably you don't have a lot of English speaking people in your daily life in your country also. Fortunately in our global world and in the technology era this is not a problem for us anymore. We could find English learners or native English speakers on the internet and make some practice via Skype or internet forums to improve our speaking ability. There are loads of web page which connect English learners or speakers with each other. If you make some research you will find that kind of web pages or portals easily. Just make some effort about it and please do not miss out this opportunity!
Repeat it loudly!
If you feel nervous and very hectic while  you are trying to speak in English and you don’t have an opportunity to practice in English, you can go to your room and talk to yourself loudly in English. Be sure that this will make you feel more relaxed. According to researches listening to your voice in another language makes you feel more comfortable about speaking that language and even improve your speaking ability also. Moreover if you have one, you can also speak to yourself in front of your mirror and while you are speaking English you can also use your body language. Please do not forget to watch and listen to yourself carefully while you are talking in English in front of the mirror. These kind of practice will make you feel more comfortable and improve your both English speaking and presentation skills.
Listening is the origin of speaking
It is a proven fact that speaking is an outcome which comes from abundant listening practice. I mean that if you want to a good speaker of English language, firstly you have to be a good listener of that language. I can hear you asking what kind of sources i have to listen to. Listen to what you like and what you understand! If you listen to advanced level English materials and you are an intermediate student of English, probably it will not help you improve your listening and eventually speaking ability. You should listen to sources appropriate with your English level. As time go on like a baby's improving process, your English speaking skill will improve easily and effortlessy even you don't realize it :)

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Sunday 12 April 2020

How to Learn English Grammar Easily and Effortlessly?

First of all please do not forget there is no easy way to learn English grammar or anything else easily and effortlessly! But good news is that there are a lot of "enjoyable" and "funny" ways to learn English grammar :)

If we had a magic and asked all English learners around the world what make you feel bad, bored and nervous about learning English i am sure almost all of them would say English Grammar! Aren't they right? Who could like all these technical grammar worksheets and papers?

It is not a boring lesson! It is a hobby and a joy!
If you don't like English grammar, probably it is related your English learning background not English grammar itself. I guess that you have always studied boring grammar books so far :)
First of all, if you want to improve your English easily ve effortlessly, you should change your point of view about grammar and learning way of it.
Secondly, My advice to you about learning grammar will be that you should see English Grammar as a way of communication to world and a opportuniy to meet new people and learn new cultures.

Do not focus on grammar itself! Focus on enjoyable content!
If you ask even a native English speaker what an adverb or adjective means, he or she will not be able to give you correct answer probably. But how can they use these adverbs or adjectives very well  even though they don’t know their meaning?
Answer is easy in fact, That’s because it is how languages work naturally. It shouldn't be forgotten that if you want to learn and use English grammar easily and effortlessly, you have to learn it in a natural and organic way :)
Instead of studying boring grammar books and rules, you should focus on enjoyable reading and listening materials. But what kind of boks do you need to read to improve English grammar? Of course it depends on what you like. For example most of the time dedective books(levelled books at first) and history books which tell about historic events like Titanic or World Wars are liked by English learners. (Of course they all depends on your hobbies or your field of insterest).
Reading these kind of books in an understandable levels and listening to podcasts (like my Learning English with Martin podcasts :)) will help you improve your English in a natural way without boredom.

Is zero grammar study possible ?
Unfortunately zero grammar study is impossible for now. So you have to know basic grammar structures to read starter level of English story books for example. I mean easy grammar rules. For example you must know simple tenses like simple past, present and perfect tenses without great details.
My tips could be that after learning basic and easy rules of English grammar p reading and listening whatever you like. Meanwhile as the time goes on step by step you will learn and absorb English grammar rules be sure and trust me ;)
You can also listen to our podcast about English Grammar topic in here.
See you in the next essay ;)

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Friday 10 April 2020

TOEFL or IELTS? Which one is easier? Which one do i should/have to choose?

Almost every learning English students aim to get a good score from an English proficiency exam. Why not? After all these tiring study process why does not you want to prove your English on paper?

So when talking about English proficiency exams, 2 main exams come into prominence; TOEFL and IELTS. If we shortly define them we can say that TOEFL is a United State based exam and IELTS is England based also.

What is your objective?

Before taking an exam, you have to focus on and think about why you want to get an English proficiency exam. Making a decision about aim for getting an exam will help you which exam you have to choose for your education or job career. For example if you want to apply for a citizenship to United States, you should not get a IELTS score. Because it is useless for this objective. On the other hand if you want to apply for a university in England or United Kingdom, this time TOEFL will be useless for your aim. Please do not forget that the magic approach in here is correct exam for correct objective :)

Why to choose TOEFL

As i have mentioned before in short, TOEFL is an exam which is based on American English and it is used for America, Canada, New Zealand or Australian(Universities or for job applicants). I am going to prepare and provide to you a detailed essay about TOEFL and IELTS separately in the next days and i will explain all parts of TOEFL and give you some tips. Please be careful that it is not a topic for this essay as i mentioned at first. We are focusing on only the differences between TOEFL an IELTS in this essay today.

It should not be forgotten that on the contrary to IELTS, TOEFL does not have a general English module. TOEFL has just one form which is based and focused on only academic English basically. Therefore As you already understand your vocabulary must be ready for this academic English test module.

IELTS has an advantage : General English Module

IELTS which is based on basicly British English has 2 different modules as general and academic unlike TOEFL. So this means if you need to prove your English level for job application or getting promoted in your current job, you must get an IELTS General module score. Moreover if you apply for a university which is located in United Kingdom(England, Wales, Scotland and so on) also you need to get a good enough scoure from IELTS academic module, not TOEFL!

Furthermore, IELTS has one more advantage compared to TOEFL. As you might already know in speaking test of TOEFL you are talking to a computer. Please when you make a decision about the exam and if you are a sociable person consider that you can't feel a human feeling or eye-contact which may affect you positively in TOEFL speaking test. On the other hand in speaking test of IELTS you are talking to a real human one on one and he or she will do whatever make you feel relaxed during the speaking exam.

Bad News: There is no easy exam! Good News: Appropriate Exam :)

To sum up i can say that there is no easy exam in the English proficiency world. But good news; there is appropriate exam which depends on your goal/aim and personal characteristic. If you want to get promoted in your job or applying for a citizenship in U.K. you should get a score from IELTS-General English module which is easier from academic module comparatively. Of course for U.K universities you should take an IELTS-Academis Module. Moreover if you are a sociable and talkative person, i think that IELTS is more convenient for you due to its speaking section.(because of a real interviewer)

If you want to apply for a citizenship or university in USA, Canada, New Zealand or Australia, you should get a score from TOEFL exam.

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Tuesday 7 April 2020

What is coronavirus-covid-19 pandemic simply? What are the symptoms of COVID-19 ? Why is mortality rate from coronavirus high in Italy and Spain?

A Brief History of Coronavirus simply

Despite the fact that we have heard newly about coronavirus nowadays, it is a well-known infectious disease in medical literature. Contrary to general belief that it seems in just human, Coronavirus is a virus that has been seen in animals abundantly so far.
At the end of December 2019, pneumonia cases began to seem in Wuhan, China. Firstly the cause of this sudden risen pneumonia could not be explained. Then after that, researches have revealed that these cases of pneumonia are due to a new type of coronavirus that has not been previously described.
This new form of coronavirus has been named COVID-19. We can understand why they call it COVID-19 if we look at details of the name;
CO - Corona ,
VI- Virus
– Disease
19 – 2019.

What are the symptoms of COVID-19 Pandemic

Although old types of Coronavirus are not lethal normally, this new form of Coronavirus is very fatal for especially old people and the people who have some chronic disease and weak immune system. Despite the fact that COVID-19 is not fatal for young people because of their relatively powerful immune system, there are some young victims also from COVID-19.
Firstly high fever is seen in who has been caught to COVID-19. Next phase in this disease is dry cough. At the end of one week in COVID-19 shortage of breath emerges. If you feel or see these kind of symptoms you have to go a hospital immediately.
On other hand we have to be very careful in our daily life activities to prevent spreading COVID-19.  Even though we are not a COVID-19 patient, we can be carrier and thereby we could infect this lethal disease to our loved ones and cause their death even so. If we do not want to harm our loved ones without even realize, we should obey the rules which World Health Organization has declared like social distance rule. Please do not forget that we must stay at home except urgent necessities.

Why is mortality rate from coronavirus-covid-19 pandemic high in USA, Italy and Spain?

United States, Italy and Spain have been seen worst hit countries by COVID-19 so far. We have to go a little back if we want to understand why those 3 countries have been affected more than other countries by Coronavirus-COVID-19 pandemic.
First of all we should remember that Boris Johnson (infected COVID-19) and Donald Trump in first days of coronavirus outbreak said that the situation was exaggerated and there has been a lof of deaths from seasonal flu every year. So we could say easily that they did not take coronavirus-COVID-19 outbreak seriously at first. This was a huge and fatal mistake unfortunately.
Secondly USA, Italy and Spain has a high average age. We could say these 3 countries are most effected countries from COVID-19 pandemic due to fact that COVID-19 infected and harm old people easily and cause them to death( unfortunately because of their poor immune system generally).

To sum up, their approach at first had very fatal consequences for their people. If they had taken it more seriously first day of coronavirus pandemic, more life could have been saved.  Of course their old population is another factor which has affected their mortality rates.

Also you can watch our podcast about this subject on our Youtube Channel:

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Sunday 5 April 2020

How to improve Your English Reading Skill/Ability easily - 2 -

If you did not read the first part of this essay, please first of all go and read it  from here and after that start to read this second part of how to improve English Reading Skill/Ability series.

Read what you "like", not what you are told !

Most of the time students generally go to English courses and then teachers give them homework or books which they are not very interested in. (generally) 

 But it shouldn't be forgotten that every person has different interests and point of views. So that English teachers shouldn't behave and approach with same way of teaching method towards every students.

If you are reading a book or homework passage which your teacher give you and you don't like it, after a while you will start to feel bored and distracted. And probably you will throw it away and start to hate studying English!!

Hey don't be nervous about these kind of studying English! It should not be a torture! It must be fun ;) to realize it you must read what you like and love! not what you are told or given. Please do not forget that according to researchs English students who read sources which they are interested in improve their English faster than the others.

My Experience About Reading

For about 10 years ago and while i was starting to learn English as a new learning English student, i realized that i liked and loved reading about levelled penguin books. Of course i was reading books whcih are level 1 and 2, starter and pre-intermediate levels. As i read the books i realized that when i read a book which i was not interested in, i was getting bored so quickly. It was hurting my English studies.

On the other hand while i was reading things which i was really interested in for example historical events or dedective books(like Sherlock Holmes stories), i was very excited and felt like i started to love this language. Also i was learning new words, English grammar and English language structures even though i didn't realize it.

Yes i explored that the magic in learning English is to like and enjoy with language not just study it ! Don't forget if you like, love and enjoy it, you will learn more quickly and improve faster your English. Trust me !

Please share your English reading tips or stories with us in comments and of course with your questions.

Listen to our how to improve your English podcast of course :)

Good luck with your long and enjoyable English learning journey.

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